Investment Themes
The food of tomorrow
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Investment Themes

The security of our food system is one of the most pressing global challenges. With dwindling natural resources, the challenge of providing healthy, affordable and nutritious food to a growing global population while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and environmental damage is intensifying. The food industry has begun to respond, expanding options with plant-based protein solutions, increasing agricultural sustainability, improving supply chains and packaging.

Consumers, too, have become more concerned about the quality of what they have on their plates, the safety of the food they eat, and the provenance of what they eat. The global food system now requires urgent transformation if we are to avoid the kinds of global damage that await us if we do nothing: loss of biodiversity, depletion of fresh water, pollution of rivers and oceans, and lasting damage to soils. 

The good news is that with system-wide change comes new opportunities. This theme provides investors with exposure to companies that are innovating across the value chain to build a more sustainable, safe, and equitable food system for the planet. 

This thematic list identifies key companies that stand to benefit from accelerating the transition to more sustainable food production systems and consumption patterns, thereby preserving natural ecosystems, promoting transparency and food safety, and encouraging eco-friendly consumption to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We are talking about companies involved in high-precision agriculture to improve productivity, in organic, sustainable and vegan food, in the improvement of food flavors to perfect the taste of artificial meats or in recycled and/or recyclable food packaging. 

Our selection

Name Sector Capi. 1st Jan change
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News of the components

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Calendar of the components

░░░ ░░░░ ░░░░░░░░ ░ ░░░ ░ ░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░░░ ░░░░
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Sector allocation

Ratings chart - Surperformance

Ratings ESG Refinitiv

  1. Stock Market
  2. Investment Themes
  3. The food of tomorrow