Reliance Industries Ltd Stock




Oil & Gas Refining and Marketing

Delayed NSE India S.E. 05:02:12 2024-07-08 am EDT 5-day change 1st Jan Change
3,203 INR +0.81% Intraday chart for Reliance Industries Ltd +2.67% +23.93%
Sales 2024 9,011B 108B Sales 2025 * 10,057B 121B Capitalization 21,497B 258B
Net income 2024 696B 8.35B Net income 2025 * 828B 9.93B EV / Sales 2024 2.48 x
Net Debt 2024 2,274B 27.26B Net Debt 2025 * 2,094B 25.11B EV / Sales 2025 * 2.35 x
P/E ratio 2024
28.9 x
P/E ratio 2025 *
26.2 x
Employees 389,414
Yield 2024
Yield 2025 *
Free-Float 50.35%
More Fundamentals * Assessed data
Dynamic Chart
1 day+0.71%
1 week+2.55%
Current month+2.20%
1 month+8.73%
3 months+7.67%
6 months+23.67%
Current year+23.78%
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1 week
3 085.55
Extreme 3085.55
3 203.90
1 month
2 875.00
Extreme 2875
3 203.90
Current year
2 568.95
Extreme 2568.95
3 203.90
1 year
2 220.30
Extreme 2220.3
3 203.90
3 years
2 016.25
Extreme 2016.25
3 203.90
5 years
Extreme 875.65
3 203.90
10 years
Extreme 398.225
3 203.90
More quotes
Managers TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 67 80-12-31
President - -
Director of Finance/CFO - 10-06-30
Members of the board TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 76 22-11-03
Chief Executive Officer 67 80-12-31
Director/Board Member 58 85-12-31
More insiders
Date Price Change Volume
24-07-08 3,203 +0.81% 3 401 638
24-07-05 3,177 +2.23% 6,134,855
24-07-04 3,108 +0.10% 3,418,588
24-07-03 3,105 -0.81% 4,524,810
24-07-02 3,130 +0.32% 3,874,623

Delayed Quote NSE India S.E., July 08, 2024 at 02:00 am EDT

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Reliance Industries Ltd is a diversified group organized around 6 areas of activity: - refining of petroleum products (58.4% of net sales): liquefied petroleum gas, propylene, naphtha, gasoline, kerosene, etc. At the end of March 2021, the group operated a refinery in India. The group also produces petrochemicals (polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyester, purified terephthalic acid, paraxylene, ethylene, olefins, benzene, butadiene, acrylonitrile and caustic soda); - distribution of consumer products (28.3%): distribution of food products, clothing and accessories, consumer electronics, etc. through a network of 12,711 stores in India; - digital services (5.1%); - exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas (0.3%); - financial services (0.2%); - other (7.7%): telecommunications and media services, textile manufacturing, etc. India accounts for 61.5% of net sales.
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Trading Rating
Investor Rating
ESG Refinitiv
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Number of Analysts
Last Close Price
3,177 INR
Average target price
3,224 INR
Spread / Average Target
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