Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Stock




IT Services & Consulting

Delayed NSE India S.E. 05:02:24 2024-07-08 am EDT 5-day change 1st Jan Change
3,988 INR -0.59% Intraday chart for Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. +0.26% +5.14%
Sales 2025 * 2,582B 30.95B Sales 2026 * 2,828B 33.9B Capitalization 14,515B 174B
Net income 2025 * 513B 6.15B Net income 2026 * 569B 6.81B EV / Sales 2025 * 5.42 x
Net cash position 2025 * 530B 6.36B Net cash position 2026 * 612B 7.33B EV / Sales 2026 * 4.92 x
P/E ratio 2025 *
28.3 x
P/E ratio 2026 *
25.5 x
Employees 601,546
Yield 2025 *
Yield 2026 *
Free-Float 28.22%
More Fundamentals * Assessed data
Dynamic Chart
1 day-0.59%
1 week+0.25%
Current month+2.15%
1 month+3.36%
3 months+0.39%
6 months+8.43%
Current year+5.14%
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1 week
3 955.00
Extreme 3955
4 047.35
1 month
3 780.05
Extreme 3780.05
4 047.35
Current year
3 591.50
Extreme 3591.5
4 254.75
1 year
3 250.10
Extreme 3250.1
4 254.75
3 years
2 926.10
Extreme 2926.1
4 254.75
5 years
1 506.05
Extreme 1506.05
4 254.75
10 years
1 025.95
Extreme 1025.95
4 254.75
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Managers TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer - 88-12-31
Director of Finance/CFO - 98-12-31
Chairman 61 87-01-26
Members of the board TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 68 18-12-17
Director/Board Member 68 23-10-11
Chairman 61 87-01-26
More insiders
Date Price Change Volume
24-07-08 3,988 -0.59% 1 178 050
24-07-05 4,012 -0.23% 1,668,616
24-07-04 4,021 +1.40% 2,518,001
24-07-03 3,965 -1.30% 1,821,198
24-07-02 4,017 +0.99% 2,307,449

Delayed Quote NSE India S.E., July 08, 2024 at 01:52 am EDT

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Tata Consultancy Services Limited is one of the largest Indian IT services companies. Net sales break down by activity as follows: - IT services (99%): consulting and engineering services, solutions and systems integration, management applications development, outsourcing services, etc.; - sale of IT equipment and software licenses (1%). Net sales break down by market between bank-financial services-insurance (40%), telecoms and media (16.5%), retail and distribution (15.6%), manufacturing industry (9.7%) and other (18.2%). Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: India (5.71%), the Americas (51.3%), Europe (31.9%) and other (11.7%).
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Trading Rating
Investor Rating
ESG Refinitiv
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Number of Analysts
Last Close Price
4,012 INR
Average target price
4,210 INR
Spread / Average Target