Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd Stock




Employment Services

Market Closed - Japan Exchange 02:00:00 2024-07-08 am EDT 5-day change 1st Jan Change
9,010 JPY -0.91% Intraday chart for Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd +6.40% +51.10%
Sales 2025 * 3,522B 21.93B Sales 2026 * 3,745B 23.32B Capitalization 14,115B 87.9B
Net income 2025 * 373B 2.32B Net income 2026 * 428B 2.67B EV / Sales 2025 * 3.67 x
Net cash position 2025 * 1,190B 7.41B Net cash position 2026 * 1,274B 7.93B EV / Sales 2026 * 3.43 x
P/E ratio 2025 *
37.6 x
P/E ratio 2026 *
31.6 x
Employees 51,373
Yield 2025 *
Yield 2026 *
Free-Float 86.49%
More Fundamentals * Assessed data
Dynamic Chart

Latest transcript on Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd

1 day-0.91%
1 week+6.40%
Current month+4.68%
1 month+13.52%
3 months+33.21%
6 months+52.87%
Current year+51.10%
More quotes
1 week
8 357.00
Extreme 8357
9 122.00
1 month
7 693.00
Extreme 7693
9 122.00
Current year
5 622.00
Extreme 5622
9 122.00
1 year
4 184.00
Extreme 4184
9 122.00
3 years
3 284.00
Extreme 3284
9 122.00
5 years
2 240.50
Extreme 2240.5
9 122.00
10 years
1 050.00
Extreme 1050
9 122.00
More quotes
Managers TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 49 99-03-31
Director of Finance/CFO 41 06-03-31
Chairman 60 87-03-31
Members of the board TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 75 18-05-31
Chairman 60 87-03-31
Director/Board Member 56 18-05-31
More insiders
Date Price Change Volume
24-07-08 9,010 -0.91% 4 048 400
24-07-05 9,093 +3.07% 4,990,100
24-07-04 8,822 +1.74% 2,873,100
24-07-03 8,671 -0.18% 3,516,900
24-07-02 8,687 +2.59% 4,658,600

Delayed Quote Japan Exchange, July 08, 2024 at 02:00 am EDT

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Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. specializes in human resources and support services. Net sales break down by activity as follows: - staffing services (52.2%): temporary recruitment of staff for specialized, administrative, technical and other positions, etc; - promotional services (29.4%): promotion of operations related to the events organization (especially weddings), housing search, trip search, etc. ; - online recruitment services (18.4%). Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: Japan (54.9%), the United States (21.4%) and other (23.7%).
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Trading Rating
Investor Rating
ESG Refinitiv
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Number of Analysts
Last Close Price
9,093 JPY
Average target price
8,762 JPY
Spread / Average Target