Izumi Co., Ltd. Stock




Department Stores

Market Closed - Japan Exchange 02:00:00 2024-07-08 am EDT 5-day change 1st Jan Change
3,318 JPY +0.73% Intraday chart for Izumi Co., Ltd. +3.69% -8.32%
Sales 2024 471B 2.93B Sales 2025 * 549B 3.42B Capitalization 236B 1.47B
Net income 2024 20.48B 128M Net income 2025 * 20.9B 130M EV / Sales 2024 0.53 x
Net cash position 2024 * - 0 Net cash position 2025 * - 0 EV / Sales 2025 * 0.43 x
P/E ratio 2024
12.1 x
P/E ratio 2025 *
11.3 x
Employees 4,407
Yield 2024
Yield 2025 *
Free-Float 56.92%
More Fundamentals * Assessed data
Dynamic Chart
1 day+0.73%
1 week+3.69%
Current month+3.14%
1 month+0.03%
3 months-11.50%
6 months-10.18%
Current year-8.32%
More quotes
1 week
3 182.00
Extreme 3182
3 330.00
1 month
3 058.00
Extreme 3058
3 330.00
Current year
3 058.00
Extreme 3058
3 810.00
1 year
3 058.00
Extreme 3058
4 066.00
3 years
2 651.00
Extreme 2651
4 335.00
5 years
2 061.00
Extreme 2061
4 790.00
10 years
2 061.00
Extreme 2061
8 150.00
More quotes
Managers TitleAgeSince
President 78 77-11-30
Director of Finance/CFO - -
Chief Administrative Officer - -
Members of the board TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 80 17-04-30
President 78 77-11-30
Director/Board Member 59 87-02-28
More insiders
Date Price Change Volume
24-07-08 3,318 +0.73% 160 000
24-07-05 3,294 -0.30% 180,600
24-07-04 3,304 +2.70% 184,600
24-07-03 3,217 -0.06% 129,900
24-07-02 3,219 +0.59% 147,000

Delayed Quote Japan Exchange, July 08, 2024 at 02:00 am EDT

More quotes
IZUMI CO., LTD. is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the general retail business. The Company operates through two business segments. The Retail segment is engaged in the sale of clothing, housing-related goods and food products through its shopping centers, general merchandise stores (GMSs) and supermarkets. The Retail-related segment is engaged in the credit and finance business, the management of shop facilities, as well as the operation of restaurants. The Company is also engaged in the wholesale business and the real estate leasing business.
More about the company
Trading Rating
Investor Rating
ESG Refinitiv
More Ratings
Mean consensus
Number of Analysts
Last Close Price
3,294 JPY
Average target price
4,100 JPY
Spread / Average Target