The securities fraud action was premised upon the defendants' alleged non-disclosure of the number of graphics processing units (GPUs) Nvidia had sold for cryptocurrency mining purposes.2 Plaintiffs alleged that this omission gave investors a false impression of Nvidia's exposure to the volatile cryptocurrency market, which, when it faltered, ultimately led to losses among Nvidia's shareholders.3
The first circuit split prompted by the Ninth Circuit's decision relates to the level of detail plaintiffs must provide in order to satisfy the strong inference of scienter requirement under the PSLRA. In Nvidia, the plaintiffs attempted to plead scienter by referencing internal company reports which were allegedly inconsistent with the defendants' public statements concerning the GPUs. However, plaintiffs did not actually provide the details of the reports, instead relying on suppositions about what the reports were likely to have said. The divided Ninth Circuit held that this was sufficient to satisfy the PSLRA. Its holding was consistent with First Circuit precedent, but was inconsistent with five other circuit courts (the Second, Third, Fifth, Seventh, and Tenth), all of which have held that pleading scienter based on internal company reports requires specific allegations of the actual contents of those documents.4
The second circuit split pertains to whether an expert opinion could substitute for the particularized allegations of falsity required under the PSLRA. In Nvidia, the Ninth Circuit concluded that defendants statements were false based upon an expert opinion proffered by the plaintiffs and included in the complaint. However, both the Second Circuit and the Fifth Circuit had previously disagreed, holding that while expert opinions could potentially bolster allegations of falsity, they could not substitute for particularized allegations of fact under the PSLRA.
The stakes are high here. As the dissent in Nvidia observed, the Court's holding "majority's approach significantly erodes the heightened pleading requirements for alleging securities fraud under the PSLRA" and threatens to undermine the important counterbalance to frivolous securities lawsuits which the PSLRA has provided since its enactment.5 The
3 Id.
<5 Id. at 955.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.
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